Welcome to Charles Michies Cafe and Event Space at our 391 Union Street, Aberdeen, Branch!

Upcoming Events at Charles Michies:

Wednesday 26th March, 2.30-3.30pm
Hands on with Hauschka: An Introduction to Dr. Hauschka 

Join Carol Wood for an introduction to Dr. Hauschka and find out more on the origins and points of difference of the brand, hero ingredients and their unique approach to skin care.

This is a FREE event. Feel free to drop-in or booking is optional via tel. 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite

Thursday 3rd April 2.30-3.30pm - FULLY BOOKED
The Baird Legacy, Those Who Inspired A City

Join Professor George Youngson & Fiona Rennie, authors of Bringing Life to Aberdeen: A History of Maternity and Neonatal Servies, as they explore the history of midwifery in Aberdeen, the people and places that have led to current standards of delivery and care for mothers and their newborn, and how Aberdeen led the way for many decades and longer.

This is a FREE event. To book please call 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite.

Wednesday 9th April, 12.30-1.30pm
BLETHER TOGETHER with Mental Health Aberdeen 
Join us every month for an informal chat session with Mental Health Aberdeen. Come along for coffee (and a cake!) and join in with a blether where you can make new friends, share experiences and talk about things on your mind. 

This is a FREE event. Feel free to drop-in or booking is optional via tel. 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite.

Friday 18th April, 11am-2pm
Join us for an Easter Afternoon Tea and enjoy a delicious selection of home bakes and mini sandwiches.
£20 per person including a gift bag of goodies and 10% off at the gift shop.

Book your place in-store or by via tel. 01224 33 33 26.

Thursday 24th April, 2.30-3.30pm

Aberdeen Medical Firsts with Professor James Hutchinson

Join Professor James D. Hutchinson, Professor Emeritus, Regius Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Aberdeen, as he explores Aberdeen's medical firsts. Professor Hutchinson has now compiled a list of 109 medical discoveries with an Aberdonian connection and will be concentrating on drug discoveries and the people behind them in particular.

This is a FREE event. To book please call 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite

Thursday 1st May, 2.30-3.30pm
How To Get Published with Author Kayrin MacMillan
Have you ever wondered about writing your own book?
Have you written one already but don't have the first clue how you would get it published?
Join Kayrin MacMillan, successful author of 10 books, including The Bluebell Wood, as she shares advice, tips and support in how to become a successful published author.

This is a FREE event. To book please call 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite.

Thursday 8th May, 2.30-3.30pm
Pushing Out the Boat with Martin Walsh
Join Martin Walsh to hear more about 'Pushing Out the Boat', North East Scotland's Magazine of New Writing and Visual Arts. Martin was the editor of the magazine for several years, which has now been going for 25 years and receives submissions from all over the world. The talk will cover a brief history of the magazine, as well as Martin reading 2 or 3 of his own stories.

This is a FREE event. To book please call 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite

Thursday 15th May, 2.30-3.30pm
Our Union Street with Bob Keiller
Our Union Street was formed in March 2023 following an emergency summit called to arrest the decline facing the Granite Mile. Former FTSE100 chief executive Bob Keiller agreed to lead the organisation for free, and the community movement to regenerate the street commenced. Join Bob to learn all about the work which has been done so far, as well as plans for the future.

This is a FREE event. To book please call 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite.

Thursday 12th June, 2,30-3.30pm
The Legacy of Alexander Gordon with (retired) G.P. Martin Pucci
Join retired G.P. Martin Pucci for a talk on Scottish obstetrician Alexander Gordon, best known for clearly demonstrating the contagious nature of puerperal sepsis (childbirth fever). 

This is a FREE event. To book please call 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite.

Friday 20th June, 2.30-3.30pm

Hands on with Hauschka: Discover the Power of Cleansing 
Join Carol Wood of Dr. Hauschka skin care for a 3 Step Skin Care Workshop. Carol will perform a cleansing demonstration on a model and then using personal consultation cards, each person will go away with a personalised 3 step skin care plan.


Saturday 12th July, 11am-1pm
KIDS PAPER CRAFT SESSION with Papeterie Crafts
As part of celebrating the arrival of the Tall Ships in Aberdeen, join Papeterie Crafts at Charles Michies for a kids paper craft and arts session with a nautical twist inspired by the Tall Ships!

The session is £10 per child (plus booking fee), which also includes a juice and biscuit.

Bookings are made via Eventbrite.

Thursday 17th July, 3-4pm
The Development of Sailing Ships from 1840 with Alastair Walker

As part of celebrating the arrival of the Tall Ships in Aberdeen, join Alastair Walker, Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS), to explore the development of sailing ships from 1840 onwards. The design and development of sailing ships changed from older, far less efficient styles, to sleeker, faster vessels, culminating in the sailing vessels we have today which are taking part in the Tall Ships Race.

This is a FREE event. To book please call 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite.

Saturday 19th July, 3-4pm
To celebrate the arrival of the Tall Ships to Aberdeen, learn how to sing popular sea shanties and songs from across the globe in this sea shanty workshop led by Sarah Boyle, leader of the Harbour Voices Choir.
All adults are welcome to join this beginner-friendly workshop.
So if you fancy yourself one of the Fisherman's Friends, come join us!

The session is £10 per adult (plus booking fee), which also includes refreshments. 

Bookings are made via Eventbrite.

Thursday 24th July, 3-4pm
Aberdeen's Maritime Heritage with George Wood

As part of celebrating the arrival of the Tall Ships in Aberdeen, join George Wood for an exploration of Aberdeen's rich maritime heritage. George was born and brought up in Rosemount and served an apprenticeship as an engineer at Aberdeen's Hall Russell shipyard, as well as sailing with Shaw Savill Line to Australia and New Zealand as an engineer. Join him as he shares his experience and rich knowledge of Aberdeen's nautical history.

This is a FREE event. To book please call 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite.

Thursday 28th August, 2.30-3.30pm
Hands on with Hauschka: Pause on Menopause

Join Carol Wood from Dr. Hauschka to explore the changes that take place in the skin during the menopause journey and the ways in which the Dr. Hauschka range can support the skin throughout. Using consultation cards, Carol will look at a ‘wholistic’ approach to skin care and the importance of introducing correct body care to help with many side effects like sleep, over heating and excessive sweating.

This is a FREE event. Feel free to drop-in or booking is optional via tel. 01224 33 33 26 or visit Eventbrite.

Our Event Space

If you like to use our cafe event space for a talk, workshop or charity event, then we'd love to hear from you! Our space lends itself to approx 20 sat at tables, or up to 45 seated more informally in rows. We have a large digital screen for presentations with clipon microphone and speaker. Catering can also be provided as required. Please email info@michies.co.uk with your idea.  

Current Exhibtion

Coming soon!

The Art and Science of Pharmacy - 100 Years at Charles Michies.